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Hunger - 4.30.21

Real Life Devotional Series “Hunger” -Week 3 - Friday, April 30
Shirley Davis

"Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord." 1 Samuel 1:10 (NLT)
The first bible story that came to mind as I was thinking about hunger for answered prayer was that of Hannah. She desperately wanted to have a baby but was barren. Every year she went with her husband to worship God in the Holy Tabernacle and prayed for a baby, yet she always returned home with her prayer unanswered. She never gave up hoping God would bless her despite continual taunting and mocking from her family, and lack of understanding from her husband.
We read that finally, on one visit to the Tabernacle, she poured out her heart to God, crying bitterly, but silently, as she prayed. I can imagine her as a perfect illustration for this topic as she cried out after years of desperate hope. She was so serious that she made her famous oath to dedicate her yet unconceived son to a life of serving God. Yet how was she perceived by the priest Eli? That elderly representative of God callously judged her to be drunk, and berated her!
Yet even that did not deter her faith in God. She explained, and gratefully received, the blessing Eli bestowed upon her..... and her prayer was answered! She gave birth to Samuel, kept her oath to God, and Samuel became one of the greatest prophets in the young nation of Israel - and Hannah went on to have 5 more children!
God responded to her heartfelt prayer - despite the failings of Eli and his sons (whose blatant sins were well-known by the people, as we learn later in chapter 2!). Because of Jesus we can now go directly to the throne of God and pour out our hearts in prayer. Even if no one else (including our loved ones!) understands, our Heavenly Father listens to us and will act on our behalf. He may not answer our prayer exactly as we want, but years later, looking back, we realize that He has blessed us far more than we could have imagined!
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