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Hunger - 4.28.21

Real Life Devotional Series “Hunger” -Week 3 - Wednesday, April 28
Lori Ennis

With Groanings Too Deep For Words

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For bwe do not know what to pray for as we ought, but cthe Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (ESV)

When my baby son was dying, I prayed with a fervor I’d never in my life prayed before. Thousands of people literally joined us in our prayers for Matthew to live. When my husband told me the doctors could do no more and a family pastor read Scripture and prayed over him as he took his last breaths...if I am honest, prayer died to me too.

I asked my dear friend what the point of praying even was...especially if our days were already numbered and our steps already ordained? She told me that if for nothing else, we prayed because we needed the communication between ourselves and God. If we no longer talked to Him or listened to Him through prayer--how could we expect we’d maintain our relationship with Him?

The above verse speaks directly to that. In the days, weeks and even years after Matthew’s death--many times the Holy Spirit interceded when my heart simply cried out to God. With ‘groanings too deep for words,’ the Holy Spirit still does this with and for me to this day. When the anger and frustration and pain of this world gets heavy, prayer is the time I can go to my Heavenly Father and cry out to Him. I may have continued to pray after Matthew died out of methodical obedience, but through His grace and mercy, I’ve come to cherish prayer as a time I simply can be still in Him and know He is God and He loves me. If you’re desperate to hear Him and have Him hold you today, I urge you to turn to Him in prayer. Even if you don’t know for what you should pray, He loves you and hears your heart.

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