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Hunger - 4.27.21

Real Life Devotional Series “Hunger” -Week 3 - Tuesday, April 27
Pastor Amie Donovan

Hunger for Prayer

Genesis 3:8 “And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden…”

Last year, as I was preparing for a Christmas sermon for youth, something remarkable stood out to me in my studies. Genesis 3:8 says “And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden…” The verse went on to explain a moment of shame in Adam and Eve’s life as they hid from their Creator after they sinned against him. Their shame wasn’t what stopped me that morning, however. It was the intimacy they shared with God that they knew His very steps!  
The Hebrew verb, halak, is translated as “walking” in this passage. It refers to repetitive and habitual movement. Do you see what this is saying to us? They had daily, continual communication with their Creator.

The passage doesn’t say Adam wondered if the steps were from a coyote, cow, or gorilla. It says he knew the very sound of God’s footsteps. Can you imagine being so close to God you recognize Him even when you can’t see him physically? It’s possible! Prayer is that space for me.
In my time of prayer, I don’t hear God’s voice audibly, but I feel His words internally. The more I talk with God, the more I can tell the difference between my thoughts and His. Prayer is something we should hunger for, because prayer is the place where we meet and walk with God.

Father God, we want to know you so deeply, so fully that we know you are here even when we can’t physically see you. Help us to hunger for daily, continual conversation with you! Amen
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