April 23rd, 2021
Real Life Devotional Series “Hunger” – Week 2 - Friday – Shirley Davis
All I Wanted
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ICB)
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching how to live right. Using the Scriptures, the person who serves God will be ready and will have everything he needs to do every good work."
Many years ago in England, when I accepted and gave my life to Jesus Christ, I was eager to learn everything I could about God. After a few weeks, I attended a home prayer meeting with a guest speaker. She was a young missionary to Hong Kong called Jackie Pullinger, who has developed a substantial, well-known ministry in Hong Kong.
She told me about the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit, so I stepped forward, eager to receive all I could from God. I didn't understand what transpired, but I quickly noticed that I woke up every day with a real hunger to read the Bible! I had an hour's daily commute by train to work in London, so I started in Genesis and began reading through the Bible. But I found the hunger was so great that I could no longer read a newspaper or magazine—I couldn't even watch TV or see a movie! All I wanted was to read the Bible!
As I read, there were many parts that I could not understand or about which I had questions. But I was desperate to know and serve the Lord, and I saw the Bible as God's personal letter to ME! I read it as eagerly as a letter from my mum or a very dear friend. If there were unclear parts, I just accepted them as accurate and set them aside—after all, it was written by my Heavenly Father, whom I can trust! If a verse particularly spoke to me, I marked it and memorized it so I wouldn't have to hunt for it again! 2 Timothy 3:16-17 is such a passage that I have quoted countless times as I tried to encourage others through the years.
All I Wanted
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ICB)
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching how to live right. Using the Scriptures, the person who serves God will be ready and will have everything he needs to do every good work."
Many years ago in England, when I accepted and gave my life to Jesus Christ, I was eager to learn everything I could about God. After a few weeks, I attended a home prayer meeting with a guest speaker. She was a young missionary to Hong Kong called Jackie Pullinger, who has developed a substantial, well-known ministry in Hong Kong.
She told me about the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit, so I stepped forward, eager to receive all I could from God. I didn't understand what transpired, but I quickly noticed that I woke up every day with a real hunger to read the Bible! I had an hour's daily commute by train to work in London, so I started in Genesis and began reading through the Bible. But I found the hunger was so great that I could no longer read a newspaper or magazine—I couldn't even watch TV or see a movie! All I wanted was to read the Bible!
As I read, there were many parts that I could not understand or about which I had questions. But I was desperate to know and serve the Lord, and I saw the Bible as God's personal letter to ME! I read it as eagerly as a letter from my mum or a very dear friend. If there were unclear parts, I just accepted them as accurate and set them aside—after all, it was written by my Heavenly Father, whom I can trust! If a verse particularly spoke to me, I marked it and memorized it so I wouldn't have to hunt for it again! 2 Timothy 3:16-17 is such a passage that I have quoted countless times as I tried to encourage others through the years.
Posted in Hunger
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