Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Heal Beyond Brokenness 2.16.21

Heal: Beyond Brokenness Devotional Series – Week 2 –  Second Wind - Tuesday – Pastor Amie
Your Will Be Done on Earth

Scripture Reading –  Matthew 6:10 (NIV)
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Like many of you, I learned the Lord’s prayer in Childhood and can recite it from memory. However, recently when studying these words given by our Christ, verse 10 stopped me in my tracks. “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” That verse seems a dangerously uncomfortable verse to pray both out loud and internally.

This prayer asks God for healing and restoration upon the brokenness in our families, workplaces, schools, and our world right now!  This prayer assumes a call to action! I would argue you can’t pray this without a posture of submission and a heart that is willing to move.
As we discussed last weekend, those around us are broken, wanting to be restored and made new—the broken need to see the light, to understand God's will for them in this lifetime. We are a source of relaying that message for them. Jesus commissions us to bring the good news to the broken and lead them to the potter who will recreate them into a new thing! When we ask God to accomplish His will today, we expect restoration and new in the right now!

We all long for the day Revelation reveals to us, when all is made right, but the good news is God is at work in our today just as much! You can experience healing right now! God can turn your tears to laughter and your sorrow to joy on earth as He will in Heaven! It often starts with God's children praying hard prayers, like “use me in your Will to accomplish your mission in my sisters/brothers today.”
Would you pray this prayer with me:
Father God, would you use me to not only speak the hope of tomorrow in the brokenness of today but would you use me to remind them you are the God of right now and your presence is sufficient in their immediate needs as well. We praise you for you are not a faraway God, and you, God, are capable of making all things new. Amen

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