Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Killing Me Softly 2.6.21

Killing Me Softly Devotional Series – Week 4 – Imitating - Saturday – Pastor Todd
Avoiding the Crowded Road

Romans 12:2‬ (GLT)‬‬‬‬‬‬

For the last month, we have been learning how to avoid the universal human traps of Comparing, Procrastinating, Blaming, and now finally: Imitating.  The problem with imitating is that God created you to be an original. We give up our originality when we become enamored with someone else. Even more insidious is that we tend to become enamored with the wrong people chasing the wrong things.

When writing to the Romans, Paul strongly advised them,
“Do not imitate the way of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may discern what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”

We need to keep our eyes on God so that we do not miss out on the plan he has for our lives.

In the “good old days” before GPS, there was RM.  That’s short for Rand McNally for all you young’uns. If you needed to make sure you arrived at your destination, you pulled out the RM Atlas, found the state or city you were looking for, and discovered the right road to get you there. Imagine for a moment that you wanted to get from Cincinnati to Cleveland. Well then, the Ohio map was crucial.  Just imagine hoping to get there but using the Arizona state map instead. That was not going to end well.

Let us avoid joining the crowded road of people chasing fame, wealth, and power.  Instead, determine to be an original, with a heart set after imitating God, not all the things of the world.

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