January 30th, 2021
Killing Me Softly Devotional Series – Week 3 – Blaming - Saturday – Pastor Chris
Pointing Fingers
Psalm 80:3 (NASB)
“God, restore us, and make Your face shine upon us, and we will be saved.”
Who is responsible for your life? One of the more interesting developments in raising children is watching them learn the importance of taking responsibility for their actions. I noticed that even at six or seven years of age, children understand the consequences of wrong actions, and so they are more than happy to throw their sibling or friend under the bus when something has gone wrong.
I have lost count of the number of times I have seen parents bear their frustration with their children when interrogating them about who is responsible, only to have the children point at their sibling or friend.
It is not unusual that when punishment is due, children take a step back. However, when it is time for a treat, they will fight to get to the front and claim that snack.
I find this is how we, as adults, can also be when it comes to God. When blessings are flowing, we want to be close, but sometimes when troubles arise, we blame God and start to distance ourselves from God. In Psalm 80, we see the Psalmist cry out verse 3 in three different variations throughout the Psalm.
However, wedged in the middle of the Psalm we read in verses 4-6:
“Lord God of armies, how long will You be angry with the prayer of Your people? You have fed them with the bread of tears, And You have made them drink tears in large measure. You make us an object of contention to our neighbors, and our enemies laugh among themselves.”
It is easy to point the finger at God or the devil when life does not go our way. And yet, at times, we need only to look in the mirror to see who has led us astray.
However, when we respond to God with “restore us, and make Your face shine upon us,” we are moving beyond childish immaturity into disciples' maturity. That maturity takes responsibility for our lives, and we know we can decide where we wish to place our destiny.
Pray this with me today:
Lord, you are always there for us, but often we turn our back or point our finger at You. May we instead run to embrace You so we can have the life You destined for us to have. Amen.
Pointing Fingers
Psalm 80:3 (NASB)
“God, restore us, and make Your face shine upon us, and we will be saved.”
Who is responsible for your life? One of the more interesting developments in raising children is watching them learn the importance of taking responsibility for their actions. I noticed that even at six or seven years of age, children understand the consequences of wrong actions, and so they are more than happy to throw their sibling or friend under the bus when something has gone wrong.
I have lost count of the number of times I have seen parents bear their frustration with their children when interrogating them about who is responsible, only to have the children point at their sibling or friend.
It is not unusual that when punishment is due, children take a step back. However, when it is time for a treat, they will fight to get to the front and claim that snack.
I find this is how we, as adults, can also be when it comes to God. When blessings are flowing, we want to be close, but sometimes when troubles arise, we blame God and start to distance ourselves from God. In Psalm 80, we see the Psalmist cry out verse 3 in three different variations throughout the Psalm.
However, wedged in the middle of the Psalm we read in verses 4-6:
“Lord God of armies, how long will You be angry with the prayer of Your people? You have fed them with the bread of tears, And You have made them drink tears in large measure. You make us an object of contention to our neighbors, and our enemies laugh among themselves.”
It is easy to point the finger at God or the devil when life does not go our way. And yet, at times, we need only to look in the mirror to see who has led us astray.
However, when we respond to God with “restore us, and make Your face shine upon us,” we are moving beyond childish immaturity into disciples' maturity. That maturity takes responsibility for our lives, and we know we can decide where we wish to place our destiny.
Pray this with me today:
Lord, you are always there for us, but often we turn our back or point our finger at You. May we instead run to embrace You so we can have the life You destined for us to have. Amen.
Posted in Killing Me Softly
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