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Killing Me Softly 1.20.21

Killing Me Softly Devotional Series – Week 2 – Procrastination – Wednesday - Lori Ennis
You Have All The Time God Wants You To Have
Ephesians 5:15-16 (NASB)

“So then, be careful how you walk…making the most of your time, because the days are evil…”

There’s a saying about the days being long but the years being short. Another expression is that procrastination is the thief of time. I can so relate.

Do you find yourself like me? A go-getter who gets tired of going sometimes? Often, if I am honest. A little putting off here and a small putting off there leaves me with more anxiety than I started with because I often find I’ve left myself no margin of time.

God doesn’t want that for us. Consider that He purposely created a day of rest, and He does want us to REST. But when we procrastinate here and procrastinate there, we may often find ourselves missing out on that rest He freely gives.

It’s easy to put quiet time with your Bible and your God off because you have so much that needs doing. I get it; we all get it!

But the truth is that God gives us exactly the amount of time we need to do the things HE wants us to do. If we find we’re rushing around or procrastinating? Maybe it’s because we’re not using the time He gives as He sees best for us.
So I challenge you today.

If you find yourself exhausted, putting things off because you’re just overwhelmed or too tired or entirely unmotivated, check yourself. Look at how you’re spending your time and ask if it’s how GOD would have you spend it?

You know He wants you in His word and spending time with Him, so prioritize that. Then, look at the rest of your day and see what brings glory to God and what brings obligation, exhaustion, and appearance. When we put what HE wants us to do first, then all of our time is time well-spent.

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