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Family Tree 12.26.20

Family Tree Devotional Series - Week 4 – Peace - Saturday – Pastor Todd
The Peace of Wisdom

Prov 3:13-17 (NIV)

"Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace."

It is the day after Christmas, and you may be feeling some strange mixture of euphoria, relief, or even sadness. One way or another, the Christmas season pulls things out of us.  We hardly have a moment to breathe and experience those emotions when suddenly we blink, and there is an entire new year in front of us!

A new year may sound exciting or exhausting to you, but one thing is for sure—no one knows what it will bring. Guarantees were made for dishwashers, not for calendars.  Fortunately, we have been talking all week about having God’s peace amid whatever circumstances we may face because our trust is in a God who knows and cares for us. That is excellent advice.

Can I give one more peace tip before the calendar flips? Today’s scripture reminds us that if we seek wisdom, it will lead to increased peace.  This proverb is not a guarantee that we will not have unforeseen troubles if we live our lives wisely. Instead, it recognizes that we can reduce the trouble producing events of the upcoming year if we pursue wisdom instead of foolishness. Think of all the expressions we use in our language that convey this very idea.  We say, “He brought it on himself.” “She made her bed; now she’ll have to lay in it.” “If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.”

There is no doubt 2021 will throw you some curveballs you didn’t ask for, but living by this proverb helps us not ask for extra curveballs. Take a few minutes today and ask God to help you seek wisdom in these three areas this year—relationships, work, and money. Add more categories if there is one you know you need. Seek to live daily by God’s wisdom this year, and you will increase your peace.

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