Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Family Tree 12.19.20

Family Tree Devotional Series - Week 3 – Joy Saturday – Pastor Todd
Pursuing the Joy of Jesus

Matthew 2:10 (NIV)
"When they saw the star, they were overjoyed."

No one knows for sure how far the Magi traveled to get to Bethlehem. We do not know how long it took, how many camel breakdowns they had, or even if they got lost a time or two. This reality, we do know—the destination was magnificent. When that star stopped moving, and that baby started cooing, thoughts of any pain or effort it took to get there vanished. It turns out—it was worth it.

Whenever we seek something we think will bring us joy, there always comes the moment when we decide if it was worth it.  Do we ask ourselves, was Disney worth the 15-hour drive? Was that ice cream worth the six bucks? Was the Black Friday purchase worth the frostbite? Ok, that last illustration might be a bit outdated—but you get the idea.

In the end, whatever road, every hardship, and even whatever you have to leave behind to get to Jesus will be worth it.  The Apostle Paul told us so.  He said that everything that meant so much in his life before Jesus was now like a pile of rubbish, to put it mildly, compared to the joy of having Christ.  And this Christmas time, I can personally tell you that the joy a relationship with God brings is worth anything and everything it has ever cost me.

If we seek lesser forms of joy in this life, we are sure to wind up disappointed. I dare you to go all-in with your pursuit of God.  If you do, like the Magi, when it is all said and done, you will be so happy you did.

Would you Pray with me:
Lord, I can chase all sorts of places to find happiness, but what I want is the joy you bring to me.  Please help me, even when I go through difficult things in pursuit of you, to go after that lasting joy. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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