December 4th, 2020
Family Tree Devotional Series - Week 1 – Hope Friday – Anna Williams
Proclaim Your Hope in Jesus?
Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
This chapter of Hebrews is an excellent summation written by Paul and directed at other Jews raised to understand the Old Covenant laws. He is explaining how Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice, and it is through his blood that we are finally able to have a relationship with God without obstacles or human intermediaries. This salvation is the "hope we profess" that he is referring to.
How much do you profess your hope in Jesus? Think back on the last seven days; how many times did your relationship with God come up in conversation? We've all just spent the week celebrating Thanksgiving, so was Jesus' sacrifice on your mind when you considered what to be thankful for this season? Friends, let us not allow the pandemic circumstances and all the chaos that ensues to overshadow our Great Hope.
Jesus left his place at God's right hand and took on the form of a helpless baby. He subjected himself to pain, heartaches, frustrations, and ultimately torture to pay for our sinful debts once and for all. Wow! If that's not something to profess to those around us, then what is?! Furthermore, knowing that God was with Christ every step of the way to help him see it through (as evidenced in the Gospels) should give us the confidence to hold on to our Great Hope with unswerving passion.
Pray this prayer with me:
Jesus, words cannot express how much you have given for me to have eternal hope. I'm sorry if I have ever taken that lightly or not professed it as I should. Please help me to see every opportunity that you send my way to share my hope with others. In your precious name, Amen.
Proclaim Your Hope in Jesus?
Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
This chapter of Hebrews is an excellent summation written by Paul and directed at other Jews raised to understand the Old Covenant laws. He is explaining how Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice, and it is through his blood that we are finally able to have a relationship with God without obstacles or human intermediaries. This salvation is the "hope we profess" that he is referring to.
How much do you profess your hope in Jesus? Think back on the last seven days; how many times did your relationship with God come up in conversation? We've all just spent the week celebrating Thanksgiving, so was Jesus' sacrifice on your mind when you considered what to be thankful for this season? Friends, let us not allow the pandemic circumstances and all the chaos that ensues to overshadow our Great Hope.
Jesus left his place at God's right hand and took on the form of a helpless baby. He subjected himself to pain, heartaches, frustrations, and ultimately torture to pay for our sinful debts once and for all. Wow! If that's not something to profess to those around us, then what is?! Furthermore, knowing that God was with Christ every step of the way to help him see it through (as evidenced in the Gospels) should give us the confidence to hold on to our Great Hope with unswerving passion.
Pray this prayer with me:
Jesus, words cannot express how much you have given for me to have eternal hope. I'm sorry if I have ever taken that lightly or not professed it as I should. Please help me to see every opportunity that you send my way to share my hope with others. In your precious name, Amen.
Posted in Family Tree Devos
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I truly enjoy having the daily messages. I l👀k forward to them.
It always helps me to be " in the know " about the messages.