November 23rd, 2020
Brave Devotional Series - Week 7 – Reflections - Monday – Pastor Chris
The Presence of God
Scripture Reading — Exodus 19:16-17 (NASB)
“So it came about on the third day, when it was morning, that there were thunder and lightning flashes and a thick cloud upon the mountain and a very loud trumpet sound, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. ”
“Our God is an awesome God” were the words to a popular Christian song when I first became a believer. What do you think about when you ponder the greatness and awesomeness of God? My thoughts always go to Moses' experiences with God, especially on Mt. Sinai. For three days, Israel's children consecrated and prepared themselves to meet the God who had faithfully redeemed them finally.
Can you imagine what was going through their minds and hearts? The overwhelming sense of awe, knowing they were about to experience the source of power, that crushed Egyptian oppression and set the Israelites free from bondage.
Knowing they were going to experience the God who caused the Red Sea to part, caused drinking water to come from a rock, and provided manna and quail to eat in a wilderness devoid of food.
When God eventually came down, the mountain Creation began to speak. Thick clouds, thunder, lightning, and heavenly trumpets began to proclaim God’s presence. The scripture you read said the people trembled. When was the last time you trembled in the presence of God?
Are you so comfortable with God that God doesn’t overwhelm you? Just stop for a minute and think about that for a moment. God is beyond all that we can imagine. God is utterly holy and all-powerful. He is majestic. Before this glorious God, Moses brings the children of Israel out of the camp to meet. They tremble in holy fear as they move toward the mountain to meet their God.
This God is the same God who wants to meet you in His Word. Our God, as holy and fearful as He is, wants to be known. God wants to be with you and me. That is why He sent His Son into the world. Jesus is the embodiment of the heart of God. Jesus' death and resurrection provide us the opportunity to stand before God and experience His almighty presence.
Take a moment today and every subsequent day to be overwhelmed and awed in the presence of God.
The Presence of God
Scripture Reading — Exodus 19:16-17 (NASB)
“So it came about on the third day, when it was morning, that there were thunder and lightning flashes and a thick cloud upon the mountain and a very loud trumpet sound, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. ”
“Our God is an awesome God” were the words to a popular Christian song when I first became a believer. What do you think about when you ponder the greatness and awesomeness of God? My thoughts always go to Moses' experiences with God, especially on Mt. Sinai. For three days, Israel's children consecrated and prepared themselves to meet the God who had faithfully redeemed them finally.
Can you imagine what was going through their minds and hearts? The overwhelming sense of awe, knowing they were about to experience the source of power, that crushed Egyptian oppression and set the Israelites free from bondage.
Knowing they were going to experience the God who caused the Red Sea to part, caused drinking water to come from a rock, and provided manna and quail to eat in a wilderness devoid of food.
When God eventually came down, the mountain Creation began to speak. Thick clouds, thunder, lightning, and heavenly trumpets began to proclaim God’s presence. The scripture you read said the people trembled. When was the last time you trembled in the presence of God?
Are you so comfortable with God that God doesn’t overwhelm you? Just stop for a minute and think about that for a moment. God is beyond all that we can imagine. God is utterly holy and all-powerful. He is majestic. Before this glorious God, Moses brings the children of Israel out of the camp to meet. They tremble in holy fear as they move toward the mountain to meet their God.
This God is the same God who wants to meet you in His Word. Our God, as holy and fearful as He is, wants to be known. God wants to be with you and me. That is why He sent His Son into the world. Jesus is the embodiment of the heart of God. Jesus' death and resurrection provide us the opportunity to stand before God and experience His almighty presence.
Take a moment today and every subsequent day to be overwhelmed and awed in the presence of God.
Posted in Brave Devos
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