Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Brave 11.14.20

Brave Devotional Series - Week 5 – Let God Dream your Dreams - Saturday – Pastor Todd
Sharpening Skills, Fulfilling Dreams

Psalm 33:3 (NIV)
"Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy."

All week we have talked about dreams and the ways that God accomplishes them in us.  One of the classic examples of this is David.  While God was dreaming over him, David was preparing.  How was he preparing for an unknown future?  He was honing his skills.

While David was in the waiting to become king, God found a way to get him into the life of the palace. Saul had problems sleeping because Saul’s spirit experienced torment, so he asked his servants to find someone who played skillfully on the harp. In response, the servant said, "One of Jesse's sons from Bethlehem is a talented harp player.” (I Samuel 16:18) Saul sent for David, and this was his “foot-in-the-door.”

Dreaming is vital.  Following up on our dreams with hard work is just as essential. In the Psalms, David reminds us that when we do anything for the praise of the Lord, we should do it skillfully. (Psalm 33:3) Giftedness comes from God—honing the gift comes from training, practice, and determination. It is always great to see athletes, musicians, writers, actors, and others, giving God the glory.  Their opportunity for the world to see them giving that glory away comes in part because they put in the effort to get to where they are.

Ask yourself today, “Where are my passions and talents lined up?”  Now ask yourself, “How am I sharpening those skills to bring God the greatest glory and see his dreams for me fulfilled?” Go to God in prayer, thanking him for your talents, and promising him you will do your part to use them to fulfill His purposes for you in this world.
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