Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Give Me Your Eyes to See

Monday, May 1

Give Me Your Eyes To See
By: Pastor Amie Donovan

Each January I have a different prayer I pray that becomes my cry throughout the following 12 months. The first year I asked God to “Make me holy as He is Holy.” Last year I asked, “God give me your Joy.” This year my prayer has been, “God give me your eyes to see.” 

In the gospel of Luke, we read the testimony of a blind man. He and I share the same request for vision. This man heard Jesus was coming his way. He calls out to Jesus, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

When he calls Jesus “The Son of David,” he’s proclaiming Jesus is the Messiah! Jesus responds by asking him a question. 

“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked the man. “Lord, I want to see,” he replied.
-Luke 18:41

While I’m sure this man is speaking physically, Jesus always gives more than we can ever think or imagine. Jesus gives sight to this man and credits it to his faith. In this story, we have a man that first believes in who Jesus is, and with that, he gains the ability to see the world around him. It pleases God to give him sight. 

Lord, I want to see too. 

Jesus, we believe in who you are. You are our Savior. You are our healer. You are our redeemer. We love because you first loved us! God, would you help us see the world around us? Would you give us your eyes to see like you see that we may love how you love? Our hearts desire is to proclaim to the world that Jesus has come and will come again! 


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