Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Love in Action

Monday, December 4th
Love in Action
By: Pastor Amie

There’s a song by Elevation Worship called “Available.” These are the opening lines: 

Narrow as the road may seem
I’ll follow where Your Spirit leads
Broken as my life may be
I will give You every piece

At Christmas time, we intentionally think upon the truth that God became the ultimate sacrifice for us all. For those before us, and those who come after us Christ was born into His own Creation to live and then to die only to rise again that we may also rise with Him. This profound reality changes us from the inside out. The Holy Spirit gives understanding into the heart of God! He affords us the chance to live in the here and now kingdom that we can participate in His heavenly plans! From understanding should flow action. Our actions should reflect Christ’s unending love for humanity. 

“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” -James 1:22

To simply recognize this truth but fail to act on it is a tremendous failure on our part. Our lives hold impact. How we think, how we speak, how we act all reflects who it is we serve. God sent His son to make the way. God left us His Holy Word that gives insight into what a follower should look like. He left us the Holy Spirit who empowers us to act. I’m not saying it’s easy to follow Christ in the culture we live in, and I understand the road seems narrow at times. However, what other response could we have to the radical love of God than to give our own lives over to proclaiming the hope of Jesus?

That He was born into His own Creation. That He lived to die and rise again that we may rise with Him in Glory. 

Broken as my life may be, Jesus, I give you every piece of me.

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