Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Friend of God

Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
Friend of God
By: Pastor Melissa

“And so it happened just as the Scriptures say: “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.” He was even called the friend of God.” (James 2:23)

 One of my favorite worship songs is Friend of God by Israel Houghton. The lyrics say, “Who am I that You are mindful of me? That You hear me when I call”. This sinner, God, You have called worthy, You have justified, You have adopted and call us Your sons and daughters (Romans 8:14-17). Even more mind-blowing than that is You call us friend!

The moment our hearts were illuminated, and we said “yes” to the invitation Jesus gives, our friendship with God began. Like all friendships, the relationship builds in time. Our earthly friendships kinda look like this: It starts with a casual meetup every now and again, then maybe texts and or even phone calls. It moves its way to dinners and late-night hangouts and conversations that last for hours without even knowing it. Then maybe the vacations when you get to spend days and evenings getting away and retreating from the mundane of life. Friends walk with you through the highs and the lows of life. Trust builds between one another, and true friendship emerges. True friends never desert you, even when months go by without seeing each other. The moment you do it is like time never went by. These friends are always a phone call or text away; you know they will be there.

That, my friends, is how “God Almighty, Lord of Glory, calls me friend.” He asks us to meet with Him as often as we can. He is patient as this time begins to take shape. He asks us to trust Him, know His Name, learn His ways, love Him, and work with Him. All for the sake of others, not ourselves. It is a selfless friendship God seeks with us. See, you have accepted the invite, tasted the goodness, entered into the story of God, and now are walking in friendship with Jesus. His Spirit empowers you to do the same with others. When your friendship with others looks like God’s friendship with you, their hearts, too, can be illuminated; His grace always goes before. They just might choose to say “yes” to the invite, too. They will be among the family and friends with God with you. That is amazing news.

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