Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!


Monday, May 29

By: Pastor Amie Donovan

“This is my command: Love each other.”  -John 15:17

You know what saying I wrestle with? “I love you, but I don’t like you.”

Can I be honest? I believe this undermines the gospel message.

There’s no such thing as a Christ that loves absent liking. This mindset divides and allows us to feel “Christian” without living the agape love we’re shown through our Savior's example. 

To not like is to avoid, to love is to draw near. How can we avoid yet draw near? I can’t make sense of this in my mind.

Jesus underlined the significance of loving others three times in this discourse from the gospel of John. He even connected the idea of love to obedience. Jesus clearly stated that people who genuinely love Him will inevitably adhere to His teachings. They will adhere to His example.

What’s the truth we are called to obey? Loving God and loving others. 

People who disobey show that they are only "around" the truth and not a part of it.

How will people know we are His disciples? They will know we are His disciples by how we love. (John 13:15)

What if we stopped giving ourselves a built-in excuse for division called loving without liking? 

What if instead, we prayed this prayer?

God, this week would you give me your eyes to see those around me how you see them? God help me to like those I am called to love.


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