Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!


Friday, January 17th
Pastor Todd Crofford

“He himself is our peace.” -Ephesians 2:14 NIV

Remember the infamous road trips where you and your sister or brother almost killed each other in the back seat? Life-and-death struggles could break out over whose turn it was to play the video game, or whose leg crossed the invisible line and touched the other.  So often  it escalated until mom or dad launched the ultimate threat, “Don’t make me pull this car over!”

From the perspective of the kids, the fight was always worth it, but now that I have been a parent, all I want is peace. More than just a tenuous truce, it is a blessing to see my kids settle their disputes, apologize, and even get along! If that blesses me as a parent, imagine what it does for God when he sees his children treating one another with forgiveness and compassion.

Jesus was a peacemaker and called us blessed when we were peacemakers. I wonder sometimes why we are so willing to live with things stirred up, when peace not only honors God but is available to us from God? Enough backseat fights- let’s bless our Heavenly Father along the road of this journey called life.

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