Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Child Like Faith

Wednesday, January 8th
Child Like Faith
Nicole Godard

Have you ever found yourself in an argument with a toddler over whether dinosaurs are alive or not?

I found myself in that position last summer, when I was trenching a flower bed and dug up an old piece of pipe out of the ground. My son was completely convinced it was a dinosaur bone and even more convinced that dinosaurs are still alive today. I mean what reason did he have to not believe that? Look at the number of books, cartoons and toys based on dinosaurs for children. What makes them less alive than lions or panda bears that don’t live near us?

Despite my explanations that day, my son was not having it. He was going to prove to me that dinosaurs were alive and roaming in the woods behind our barn. This is how persuaded we need to be on Jesus. In Matthew 18:3 Jesus himself said, “Truly I tell you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

The world is loud and distracting.
The world tells us he isn’t real.
The world says we don’t need him.
The world wants to convince us that its good enough if we just believe but not commit to him.

But we need to have childlike faith for Jesus. To strive for a faith that is trusting and uncomplicated by the world. We need to be dependent on his grace and guidance and committed to our walk with him. We need to be so sure of our Jesus and willing to prove his existence to the world with the power of our testimonies!

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