Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!


Monday, January 13th
Pastor Chris Wood

The older I get, the more I can admit I am a knucklehead. My best nuggets of advice stem from some of my not-so-brightest moments in life. Today’s chicken nugget is brought to you by one of these examples.

Meredith and I were newlyweds, and we were food shopping. We approached the bakery section, and my eyes caught the fresh jelly donut in the aisle. I was very excited to eat this jelly donut, but before I could even grab a bite, Meredith took the donut out of my hand and bit into it. In 2.3 nanoseconds, my mind said, “I make the money, and that’s my jelly donut, not yours.” Please know I said this in my mind, NOT out loud. I might not be intelligent, but I have some common sense.

I walked away and sat in the café for over an hour, trying to hide from Meredith as I tried to calm down. I was embarrassed that I got so mad over a jelly donut. Proverbs 19:11 says “A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.”
I encourage you to live life like a star. STOP>THINK>ACT>REVIEW. Wisdom is not a natural-born skill. It comes about when we have the humility to reflect on our actions and choices and ask what we can do better next time.

When Meredith and I go shopping now, I know what type of coffee and donut she likes. I make sure she is served before I get my own. No more walking away and hiding in a café for me.

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