Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

A Daily Commitment

Tuesday, January 7th
A Daily Commitment
Pastor Chrissy Cooney

I recently experienced a day where it felt like there was some source of worry in every direction. Our beloved family pet was ill, a household appliance was malfunctioning, the check engine light in my car blinked on, a brewing family conflict exploded just before dinner time, and I knew there was a stressful situation waiting for me at work the next day. I must confess - for at least a few minutes, my attitude was bad.

There was a battle raging and I had a choice to make.

Life is full of distractions. There are plenty of opportunities to spend our time, money, thoughts, and energy on the cares of this world. Who will we choose? Will we listen to the world? Our own selfish desires? Or will we listen to the Word of God? Who will we let direct our thoughts, attitudes, and actions?

We find this instruction in Deuteronomy 6:5-6, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.”

These words are the opening of the Shema, a prayer read daily by Jewish people in both ancient and modern times. Shema is a Hebrew word that means “hear” or “listen” and the prayer is a commitment to love God with all that is within us.

Jesus, I choose You.

Lord, I love You with all of my thoughts and all of my feelings. I love you with every fiber in my being. I love you with all of my physical strength and all of my time, money, and energy. I commit to fix my eyes on You, listen to You, and follow You.

1 Comment

Douglas Houser - January 7th, 2025 at 6:21am


n Thank you for sharing. I think we all can become overwhelmed with the small things that when combined can become a big issue hence the bad attitude and I can relate! Some say give it all to God. Although that's an easy thing to say it can be difficult thing to do, especially for a person like me who would rather shoulder the burden. I've learned to take a step back, gain perspective then channel my thoughts and energy towards God. This helps me regroup, gives me strength and focus to solve those problems. In turn my attitude changes to a more positive light and the selfish desires and feeling sorry for myself fall by the wayside. Mind you this is not the end all solution but this has worked for me on more than one occasion and helps me maintain practicality in my approach in serving God.





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