Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Hold Your Head High

Friday, December 20th
Hold Your Head High
By: Pastor Todd

Let’s just get this out on the table now- we will always, always fall short in some way. We will fall short of God’s perfection, of others’ expectation, and even our own standards. So, since it is bound to happen, even in the holidays- maybe especially during the holidays- what are we to do?

The only thing we can do is look toward God, and trust in his forgiveness and ongoing grace. The psalmist said it this way: “You, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.” (Psalm 3:3)

If I can only hold my head high when I have knocked it out of the park, there are a bunch of slumped-shoulders days ahead of me.  However, if I know I can place all the failures of my past and the faults in my future on him, then I can enter 2025 with my head held high.  I am a forgiven, maturing child of God.

Lay all of your 2024 shame down, and fix your eyes on your heavenly father. He will help you hold your head high.

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