Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

A God Who Suffers

Friday, December 13th
A God Who Suffers
By: Pastor Todd

All religions have gods who are powerful, gods who plan and control things we can’t, and gods who are unseen.  Only Christianity has a God who suffers.  When we say God enters in with us in our loss, we don’t just mean that he cares - we mean he understands.
Jesus’ experience here on earth included, among other things, the frustration of being misunderstood, the betrayal of friends, and the death of loved ones. The depth of troubles in his life hit such great levels that the prophet actually defined him this way
He was despised and rejected by people.
He was a man of sorrows, familiar with suffering.
-Isaiah 53:3

And all of that came his way because he came ours.  If any time of year can remind us that God understands us, Christmas does. His losses were real, as real as ours. Whatever is a loss for you right now- cast that care on him.  He cares for you…and he understands.

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