Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Can Sorrow Bring Peace?

Wednesday, December 11th
Can Sorrow Bring Peace?
By: Nicole Goddard

There is a song called “Come What May” by We Are Messengers and the opening lines of the song start with this:
Sometimes sorrow is the door to peace,
Sometimes heartache is the gift I need.

Those lines didn’t sit quite right with me when I first heard the song. I loved the rest of the song, but how could sorrow open the door to peace. How could you consider heartache a gift? But then in March of 2023, I had to watch a dear loved one deeply suffer. Suffer through pain and confusion and a terminal diagnosis. Something that was not going to be fixed on this side of heaven.

And that’s when I learned firsthand that the loss of someone could bring more peace and comfort, than it would if I could selfishly keep them here. The heartache of their absence could be reconciled by the gift that they are no longer suffering.

Jesus spoke of this relationship between grief and peace in the Beatitudes:
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:2.

Jesus doesn’t discredit the pain of mourning in this verse. He acknowledges it. He even blesses it. But then he assures us that we will be comforted. We can both miss their presence but find peace in the absence of their pain. We will grieve what could have been, but can also smile knowing where they are now. Only Jesus can give us that kind of hope and I pray you can allow yourself his comfort if you are grieving this Christmas season.

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