Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

A Worthy Gift

Tuesday, December 3rd
A Worthy Gift
By: Pastor Chrissy Cooney

Christmas has a way of bringing up all the old memories – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Something in a store, or on a commercial, triggers an old memory and suddenly you are three miles down memory lane and not sure how to recover from the spiral.
Want a sure-fire way to avoid being haunted by the bad and the ugly this season?

Give yourself a gift – forgive someone.

It’s a gift that you can use because it begins the healing process.
It’s a gift that won’t end up in the trash because it has eternal value.
It’s a gift you’ll enjoy because freedom comes in the package.  
It’s a gift worth giving because Jesus gave everything to give it to you.

In Ephesians 4:32 Paul writes, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”  Jesus went first, He lead the way and showed us how.

I understand… It's not a cheap gift to give. You must give up offense, bitterness, judgment, self-righteousness, pride, and hurt to be able to afford it.
If you are ready to give the gift of forgiveness this Christmas season, join me in this prayer

Heavenly Father, You already know how deeply I’ve been hurt. You, Lord, understand and have walked through every hurt that I am experiencing. Please help me to extend the Grace and forgiveness that you have shown me. Please help me forgive.  Lord, would you please heal my heart and set me free from unforgiveness in Jesus’ Name. Would you show me a path toward reconciliation, kindness and compassion?

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