Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

He Makes a Way

November 12th
He Makes a Way
By: Pastor Chrissy Cooney

Right around this time of year, over 20 years ago, Bob and I found ourselves in a tough spot. We were living in Navy enlisted housing, about to get out of the Navy, with two children (one a newborn) – and we had no idea where to go next.

We had made the decision to separate from the military with absolute certainty that job opportunities would be abundant, and doors would swing wide open. And yet, there we were, just three months from the day we were to move out of our house, and we had no home to go to and no job offers on the table.

We were scared.

So one night, a young couple living whole-heartedly for themselves, not walking in relationship with Jesus, who had never prayed together before – sat down, held hands, and prayed a very honest and humble prayer.

“Lord, wherever You want us to go, please just provide a job.”

Please just help us. We can’t see a way out, please make a way for us.

It came two weeks later, one single job offer that would change our lives. The job that would take us far from everything we knew but so close to the Lord. And that Easter we gave our lives to Jesus, asking Him to be our Savior and our King. He moved on our behalf so that we would know and understand that He is the Lord.

Psalm 74:13 says, “You divided the sea by Your might.”

If you find yourself in an impossible situation, I encourage you to pray an honest and humble prayer asking Jesus for help. He is mighty to save and wants to be glorified in your life.  

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