Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Elijah's Second Chance

October 30th
Elijah’s Second Chance
By: Nicole Goddard

Have you spent much time in the life of Elijah the prophet? The most notable story in Elijah’s tale is God’s epic showdown against the prophets of Baal. I can’t possibly give you the highlight reel in just a few sentences so I challenge you to read the entire story in 1 Kings 18! But for the purposes of this devo, know that God wins, the Israelites turn to worship Yahweh and the wicked Queen Jezebel was less than impressed. She threatened to kill Elijah and he fled to the wilderness for fear for his life.

Elijah was flooded with fear and futility over his future and became severely depressed. I can just imagine the constant loop of desperation, fear and ultimately shame for not trusting God in that very moment. He said, “I’ve had enough! LORD, take my life, for I’m not better than my fathers.” 1 Kings 19:4

But here is the amazing part of the story. God did not shame him for his feelings and fears. Instead, God sent an angel to watch over him as he rested and took care of his needs. He strengthened Elijah’s body, his mind and gave him the grace he needed to press forward and press forward he did!

With his second chance Elijah went on to appoint two new kings, a new prophet and became one of the few people referenced in the Bible to be summoned to heaven alive (2 Kings 2). He also later appeared in the NT during the transfiguration and he fulfilled his prophesy in John the Baptist (Matthew 17).

Have you experienced a low like Elijah? Are you burdened with shame over it? Let this story prove that God has even better plans for you on the other side of it!

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