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Live Worthy of His Gift

Wednesday, October 2nd
Live Worthy of His Gift
By: Nicole Goddard

I grew up in Calvert County, and for many years there was this sweet older fella that greeted everyone at Walmart. This man took his job as a Walmart greeter more seriously than I’ve seen some corporate employees treat their work. He LIVED for putting smiles on guests faces and would say things like, “Oh, my day just got so much brighter seeing that smile on your face.” He’d loop arms with elderly patrons and walk them to a shopping cart and he had a never-ending roll of those signature Walmart smiley face stickers that he’d bend down and gift to little kids coming in.

This man was old enough to be enjoying retirement, and I certainly do not know if he worked out of financial need or for the joy of it. But what I do know is this man did not just simply smile and welcome people to Walmart. No, he conducted himself as if it was a gift to do it each and every day.

In Ephesians 4:1, Paul urges us:  
Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, urge you to live worthy of the calling you have received.

Regardless of what drives the agenda of your day – a career, your children, being a student, volunteering, etc. - root yourself in God’s grace each day. When you focus on how good he is to you – what he did to secure you a room in heaven, you will want to live worthy of his gift and plans for your life here on earth. Take a tip from this memorable Walmart greeter and live each day like it’s an absolute gift to do so.

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