Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

God is Not Surprised

Tuesday, October 1st
God is Not Surprised
By: Chrissy Cooney

I was laid-off from a job once. It was a job that I loved, and that the Lord clearly (and miraculously) provided for me. And yet, when the organization’s finances required staffing cuts - my job was the first to go. Frankly, I was devastated, surprised, and confused.

You know what? It didn’t surprise God. He wasn’t shocked, perplexed, or shaken by that news. In fact, He used it in many ways in my life. During the season that followed, I learned how to surrender my finances to God, I learned to pray, and I experienced His presence. And for a little while, I worked for a tool company, fulfilling orders for hammers, saws, and fasteners.

 Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Do you see what our role is in this scripture? God does the calling and the working – our role is to love Him. We love Him by being obedient to His commands, by worshiping Him, by getting to know Him through His Word, and by loving and serving others. Those are the basics of my calling and yours. If you’ve lived at all, you’ve probably received surprising, life-altering news. Perhaps you are in the middle of that season right now. Love God right where you are. Understand that your calling is to love Him and be obedient to Him no matter what season you are in. When you do that, you can trust that He is at work behind the scenes, working all things together for your good.  Our Awesome God wastes nothing, and He desires to do great things in you and through you.

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