Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Let's Pack Our Bags

Friday, September 27th
Let’s Pack Our Bags 
By: Chris Wood

Our family loves to travel!  We have been known to get in our car and drive to an unknown destination simply because the area looked fun. Living in an RV full-time for two years was a true dream come true! We would still live in the RV full-time if the season’s would have allowed it. When we travel we usually experience three things.  Number one, we want to eat local food that is special to that area,  secondly, we want to explore a few local shops and lastly Meredith and I buy a coffee mug.

However, whenever we travel outside of the country we ask ourselves a few more questions. We want to know what clothing is considered culturally appropriate so as to not be offensive. As we are visiting a country we are not accustomed to. We also want to know what the currency exchange is so we can be prepared with our money. 

My hope is that everyone of us can put the same attention and detail into our culture that we would when visiting other countries. 

Romans 12:10 says to “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

As we go about our lives, may our hearts and minds be that we will honor our neighbors, and we can put aside anything that may be a distraction for them. 

Every single one of us is on a mission trip,  however on this mission trip  we don't need a passport or an airplane ticket! So start studying! Find out where the local shops are, eat some local delicacies and begin to pray about what you need to do to remove the stumbling block for your neighbor.

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